Acharyaa Poonam D

ಪರಿಣತಿ: Vedic, Tarot Reading, Numerology

ಅನುಭವ: 2 + Years of Experience

ಭಾಷೆ: Hindi

ಸಮಾಲೋಚನೆ ಶುಲ್ಕಗಳು:
30/ನಿಮಿಷ 66/ನಿಮಿಷ
User Rating:

ಸಮಾಲೋಚನೆ ಶುಲ್ಕಗಳು

30/ನಿಮಿಷ 66/ನಿಮಿಷ

About Acharyaa Poonam D

Acharyaa Poonam is a well-known Vedic astrologer with expertise in Tarot Reading, Numerology, Ashtakvarga, and Crystal Healing as well. She has been actively involved in this field for several years now and has built a solid client base from various parts of the country. She has helped hundreds of people deal with issues like depression, anxiety, and stress, and helped them bring their lives back on track. Acharyaa Poonam is a good listener and communicator, which makes it easy for her clients to connect with her. If you have hit a saturation point in life and don’t know where to go from there, Acharyaa Poonam can help you out! Contact her today.


Master of Science in (zoology) from Chhatrapati ShahuJi Maharaj University

ಫೋಕಸ್ ಪ್ರದೇಶ

Vedic, Tarot Reading, Numerology, Ashtakvarga, Crystal Healing

ಸಿಸ್ಟಮ್ ತಿಳಿದಿದೆ
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