Tarot Simmi G

નિપુણતા: Tarot Reading, Numerology, Prashna/horary

અનુભવ: 5 + Years of Experience

ભાષા: Hindi, English

કન્સલ્ટેશન ચાર્જ:
17/મિનિટ 102/મિનિટ
User Rating:

કન્સલ્ટેશન ચાર્જ

17/મિનિટ 102/મિનિટ

About Tarot Simmi G

With more than a half-decade of experience as a Tarot Reader, Tarot Reader Simmi has been breaking the records in providing the best services to her clients. This skilled Tarot Reader is also a Numerologist and Consciousness Facilitator. Also, she is qualified in Vastu and Feng Shui. Tarot Reader Simmi has been assisting people in handling their personal matters like marriages, relationships, and loss in businesses or jobs for which she provides the best possible solutions, and they always work. Her predictions are accurate and precise. Her readings are genuine and her work has put a huge impression on her clients that they never ever rely on any other Tarot Reader, but only her.

ઉપલબ્ધ સમય

11:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Post Graduate Programme in Amity Global Business School

ફોકસ એરિયા

Tarot Reading, Numerology, Feng Shui, Prashna/Horary, Vastu

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100% સુરક્ષિત ચુકવણી

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AstroSage verified astrologer
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