About Acharya Shubham D
Acharya Shubham is a prolific and dynamic astrologer extremely skilled in authentic principles, ethics, and laws of Vedic astrology, Lal Kitab, Vastu shastra, and Palm reading. He has done extensive research and study of various Nakshatras, Doshas, Conjunctions, combustions, etc., to uncover the hidden secrets and their effects on the whole universe.
He makes accurate predictions accordingly and suggests easy, simple, yet highly effective remedies to help his clients in winning over their difficult situations. He believes in serving people and not in making high profits. He strives to use the knowledge of these occults to benefit people and transform their lives positively.
He has impeccable knowledge about Vastu Shastra and he guides his clients about the energy level of land and soil, checks directions, and construction of various parts of a structure. He then accordingly suggests easy, simple but extremely effective remedies to help his clients to make informed decisions about their property. Contact Acharya Ji for more information!
Jyotish Shastri from Shree Maharishi College of Vedic Astrology
ફોકસ એરિયા
Vedic, Lal Kitab, Vastu, Palmistry