Acharya Manish Pandey

विशेषज्ञता: Vedic, Kp, Numerology, Lal Kitab, Palmistry, Prashna

अनुभव: 11 + Years of Experience

भाषा: English, Hindi, Bhojpuri

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About Acharya Manish Pandey

Acharya Manish Pandey has been practicing astrology for the last 11 years. He is a Science graduate and also an MBA. He has learnt astrology from his mentor and guide Guru Tarun Pandey Ji. Before that, he has worked as Regional Manager, but was more interested and dedicated in astrology and Para science, so he quit his career in Management and Marketing and became a student of astrology.

He uses and practices astrology as a tool of betterment in human life. Having spiritual, scientific and innovative vision, he has been working a lot on elemental and remedial astrology. In his predictions, he uses a combination of astrology, palmistry and numerology for more accuracy.

He is also involved in financial and business astrology, marriage related prediction, career issues, education of child and also interpretation of dreams and Para science. He recommends Gemstones, Mantras & Vaastu on the basis of study of elements and vibrations so it gives quick and immediate response.

He has always work for native welfare and it’s his personal wish that Maa Bhagwati blesses everyone and give them a healthy and wealthy life.

उपलब्ध समय

06:00 AM to 11:55 PM


B.SC. From Gorakhpur University
Jyotishacharya and Jyotish Rishi from Future Group


Jyotishacharya and Jyotish Rishi from Future Group, PhD

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