Astro Hariharan

विशेषज्ञता: Vedic, Kp, Kundali Matching, Numerology

अनुभव: 15 + Years of Experience

भाषा: English, Tamil

परामर्श शुल्क :
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207 फॉलोअर्स

परामर्श शुल्क


About Astro Hariharan

With his forefathers being court astrologers in the palace of the King of Travancore three generations back, Astro Hariharan has been diving in the ocean of astrology since he can remember. Since his birth, he has been living in Chennai and did his MA in Economics in 1995 from Madras University.

Intuition was a natural instinct, and he pursued it with passion. With the blessings of his forefathers and his father's motivation, who is his spiritual Guru, he enhanced his skills in the Parashara System of Vedic Astrology and learnt with passion and devotion. He has attained 18 years of experience in this field and learnt KP Astrology from Mr K. Subramanian in Chennai, the son of Late Professor K.S Krishnamurthi, the Founder of KP System Astrology.

He offers Horoscope predictions through Vedic Astrology, KP Astrology, Prasannam Astrology-KP System Approach, Numerology (Name fixing for babies and companies), Marriage Matching- Analysing male and female compatibility through their charts in detail, Fixing Muhurtham for Marriage, Graha Pravesham, Child Naming etc. He also resolves the problems related to career, finance, love problems through counselling.

Overall, he has dealt with more than 20,000 clients in his astrology career. He provides simple remedies and mantras. With the blessings of Almighty, he adds to the overall confidence level of customers who are in a state of misery and guides them towards happiness.

उपलब्ध समय

11 AM to 2PM & 5 PM to 7 PM


MA Economics - First Class, Chennai University -1995

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