About Acharyaa Dr Manu G
With more than half a decade of experience, Acharyaa Manu is a professional astrologer who gained experience in Vedic, Vastu, Ashtakvarga, Jaimini, Tajik, and Prashna /Horary. Acharyaa Manu, strongly believes that both numbers and planetary transits play a significant role in healing one’s concerns. She also relies on the truth that people cannot cancel an event but balance in elements can give us strength and power to deal with a situation. She guides people with the help of her knowledge and skills in her field to make life easy. So if you are looking for a spiritual healer then contact Acharyaa Manu.
Doctor of Philosophy from Chaudhary Charan Singh University.
Master of Education from Meerut University
Focus Area
Vedic, Vastu, Ashtakvarga, Jaimini, Tajik, Prashna / Horary, Numerology, Palmistry