About Acharyaa Dr Kalpana G
Acharyaa Kalpana has been an astrologer for almost half a decade. Her early years were spent researching and studying Vedic astrology, Marriage Matching, and Prashna Horary in depth. She uses astrology as a tool to help people live better lives.
Because of her creative, scientific, and spiritual approach, she spends a lot of time studying remedial and elemental astrology. Her knowledge of love, marriage, mending relationships, and all parts of family life is well renowned. She gives accurate predictions for the future using a horoscope.
Acharyaa Kalpana is a qualified consultant who also uses her intuition to provide each of her client's guidance, inspiring them to take positive action and deal with any challenges that may lie ahead.
Doctor of Philosophy (Vidya Vachaspati) in Astrology on the Thesis of Gemstone Astrology and Mysterious Effect of Rudraksha from Shree Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology
Bachelor of Education from Indira Gandhi National Open University
Focus Area
Vedic, Marriage Matching, Prashna / Horary