About Acharyaa Sangeeta K
Acharyaa Sangeeta is a well-experienced astrologer who has been practicing astrology for a decade. She has collected a great amount of knowledge and experience in this field and has a wonderful command over multiple subfields of astrology, which are Vedic, KP System, Vastu, Tarot Reading, Nadi, Prashna/ Horary, and Numerology.
Acharyaa Sangeeta provides excellent and judicious consultation in the areas related to health, marriage, business, finance, studies, career, and so much more. With her wise remedies and solutions, she has helped hundreds of people to date and is still continuing to help as many as she can. So, if you find yourself with any problem, remember, Acharyaa Sangeeta is just a call away!
Bachelor of Commerce from University of Delhi
Focus Area
Vedic, KP System, Vastu, Tarot Reading, Nadi, Numerology, Prashna/ Horary
Jyotish Acharya from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan
Jyotish Alankar from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan
Certified Tarot Card Reader from The Association of Tarot, Vedic Astrology & Numerology (TATVAN)
Vastu Praveena from Indian Council of Astrological Sciences