About Acharyaa Sheeladevi
Acharyaa Sheeladevi is an experienced astrologer who has been learning and growing in the field of astrology for more than half a decade. She is well-versed in the subjects of Vedic Astrology and is proficient in speaking multiple languages such as Urdu, Sindi, English, Gujarati, and Gujarati.
Acharyaa Sheeladevi with such an incredible grip on various languages and Vedic knowledge gives optimum and insightful advice to the multi-faceted issues that come to her. She has solved hundreds of issues for her clients and gives solutions to problems related to the fields of marriage, career, business, finance, and much more. So, if you have any queries, Acharyaa Sheeladevi, is just a call away!
Master of Business Administration (Marketing) from SunRise University
Certified as Devagna Bhusan from National Institute for Astrology & Research Centre.
Certified as Jyotish Acharya from National Institute for Astrology & Research Centre
Certified as Vastu Acharya from National Institute for Astrology & Research Centre